Book your free quote review with America’s #1 Award-winning Pro in mortgage and income protection. ONLY openings left!

Generations Insurance
Solutions LLC

Meet Johnnie and Glenda

50 / 49 yr old. Non-tobacco. Health – excellent

The Situation

Johnnie and Glenda booked their Free Review because they were in need of financial protection since they had a mortgage and other debts that needed to be paid off if something happened to either one.   

The Problem

If either one were to die unexpectedly, then the surviving spouse would be under tremendous pressure to continue paying the mortgage since they are dependent upon one another’s income. They feared they could lose their home they had built memories in. 

The Solution

Using the Equity Analyzer, Patrick showed them what their home equity and mortgage balances would be 10, 20, or 30 years from now. He then designed a plan that would not only pay off the mortgage but also pay the future equity to them as well. He upgraded their current policies and increased their death benefit by 300% without increasing the monthly premium. 

Are You Ready To Book Your Free Quote Review?

Then let’s get started.

(Only takes 2 minutes)

5 → Which services are you needing help with?
7 → Have you been treated for any of these conditions in the past?
8 → What are Your Areas of Interest?
Thank You

Now let’s get you scheduled for your review session on Patrick’s calendar.