Book your free quote review with America’s #1 Award-winning Pro in mortgage and income protection. ONLY openings left!

Generations Insurance
Solutions LLC

Meet Mari

67 yr old. Non-tobacco. Health – moderate to poor condition

The Situation

Mari booked her Free Review because even though she was retired, she still had 10 years left on her mortgage, had medical problems, and was frustrated talking to insurance salsemen who couldn’t help. 

The Problem

If Mari passed away now, her children couldn’t afford to pay her mortgage each month and they could possibly lose the home and all the equity built up, and that was a burden she didn’t want to leave them. Mari just wanted to feel relief from this worry.

The Solution

Patrick did an in-depth study of the top ranked companies, reaching out personally to underwriters, and came back to Mari with an approved offer of $125,000 which would pay the mortgage off if she passed away today. 

Are You Ready To Book Your Free Quote Review?

Then let’s get started.

(Only takes 2 minutes)

5 → Which services are you needing help with?
7 → Have you been treated for any of these conditions in the past?
8 → What are Your Areas of Interest?
Thank You

Now let’s get you scheduled for your review session on Patrick’s calendar.