Book your free quote review with America’s #1 Award-winning Pro in mortgage and income protection. ONLY openings left!

Generations Insurance
Solutions LLC

Meet Rhonda

33 yr old. Non-tobacco. Health – excellent condition

The Situation

During Rhonda’s Free Review call, she explained that she had a $100,000 term life policy she was paying $42 a month for. She had heard of “Living Benefits” and wanted to learn more about them. 

The Problem

During the consultation, it was discovered that her mortgage was much more than her current policy and if she dies or got seriously ill it would leave a burden on her spouse because they are dependant on her income.

The Solution

Patrick designed and upgraded her current plan to $600,000 and included Living Benefits without increasing her premium. Now if she passes away, the mortgage is completely paid off and several $100,000 left in the bank, or if she becomes seriously ill the mortgage and bills are paid for each month.

Are You Ready To Book Your Free Quote Review?

Then let’s get started.

(Only takes 2 minutes)

5 → Which services are you needing help with?
7 → Have you been treated for any of these conditions in the past?
8 → What are Your Areas of Interest?
Thank You

Now let’s get you scheduled for your review session on Patrick’s calendar.